While previously in my blog, the posts have been about companies that are trying to go green. When doing some research, I began to think about if a company was perfectly green, how that would look. I have found some very interesting tips on how a company can make efforts to go green. It would be helpful for all of the companies to look at this list and try to make a change. Some ways that a company can change to become green is by, using hybrid cars, making smart investments, using proper lighting, shipping material, using the internet as much as possible.
First of all hybrid cars, while they may not be the cutest cars or the least expensive, they really do help the environment. For any businesses that may drive or make deliveries, hybrid is the way to go. The cars get way better gas mileage, and hybrid cars are even good for our environment. Below is an image found on http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=9Me-bazqataNlM:&imgrefurl=http://www.hybridcars.com/2010-hybrid-cars&docid=QdBjLUb-CbJssM&imgurl=http://www.hybridcars.com/files/plug-in-prius-610z.jpg&w=610&h=293&ei=h7t0T4OxDMiI2gWatJHkDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=629&vpy=320&dur=343&hovh=155&hovw=324&tx=152&ty=63&sig=104812004664329353108&page=1&tbnh=104&tbnw=217&start=0&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0 of a hybrid vehicle

According to “Care 2 make a difference”, it is important for companies to go green by making smart investments. The website states, “Changing traditional business habits to more low-impact alternatives, and investing in smart technology that makes this transition smoother and more attractive, is one way many businesses are going green. For example, investing in better communications technology to facilitate conference calls helps a company reduce the impact of traveling to meetings.” I have never thought about that but I agree. If companies are smart with their investments then they will also have more money to buy the more expensive things that make a company “green.”
In any corporation, lights are on all of the time. Lighting is something that is critical to be used every day. Companies can go green even by using lights! There are energy efficient light bulbs that can be used. Companies such as Wal-Mart even have a roof so that natural lighting can be an option. In my opinion, natural light is better than electricity anyways.
The next way is the way that the company decides to ship products. Mostly all of the corporations ship things daily, and so they could help out the environment while shipping their goods. The best way is to use recycled materials and to use boxes to fit the size of the object, not any larger.
The last way is by using the internet as much as possible. By this, I mean for bills and tax returns. Not only is it easier for people to pay for things online, it truly does help out our environment. It saves lots and lots of paper for starters. The less mail means less gas for the postal companies. When people are usually done with looking at their bill, then they throw it away. So by using the internet we save paper, fuel, and waste.
These five tips stated about can really help a company to go green and to help with our environment. If only half of the companies would go by the guidelines, the world would be a better, more green place.
I am embarrassed to say, but growing up a lot I would always want a happy meal from McDonalds. I now know why my mother was so hesitant. I am not a fan of the fast food chain, but occasionally I am forced to eat it due to convenience. When researching on how this company is “going green” I honestly was not surprised that the corporation barked a big bark but didn’t bite.
I went to McDonalds website and searched “going green.” The only thing that came up about them helping the environment was their green building in Chicago and in Latin America. Most of the other companies that I have researched however have a section on the website about their efforts going green.
One thing that McDonalds is not doing is offering a recycling program. You would think that with all of the other companies trying to go green, they would at least try to recycle to make their corporation look better. Below is a video of a young teenage boy who is boycotting McDonalds until they offer recycling. I apologize for the poor quality, but the video pas some really good information on it.
I commend the young boy for taking a stand in what he believes.
In my research the only thing that has stood out to me about McDonalds efforts of going green is their one green location in Chicago. In this location they are using different lights, have electic chargers outside for cars ran not by fuel. To me this is about hypocritical. If one McDonalds store did this, why didn’t the other thousands do it. I think the LEAST McDonalds can do is offer recycling. I would be curious to find how much trash that is from McDonalds is on the side of the road. I really think that McDonalds should focus less on their ONE green store in Chicago and focus more on making an impact in the environment in ALL stores. Another thing that McDonalds is attempting to do to help the environment is not using Styrofoam and trying to use recycled milk jugs for booster seats.
Another thing that McDonalds does is destroy some rain forest to help get soy-beans to feed their chickens. Thousands of people drive thru or go eat at McDonalds daily. It would benefit the environment greatly if one of the largest fast food chains would help our environment, even in the smallest way as recycling. It would just help our world become more green one store at a time.
When researching companies that are going green, one that immediately popped into my head was Target. I personally shop at Target a lot, especially when I am at home with my family. I was honestly surprised to see what all Target has done to help our environment. They are doing the things that other companies are doing such as using a different type roof or cutting down on gas. Target is going above and beyond by selling eco-friendly products. With going-green being so new, there are of course some kinks that need to be worked out.
Target stores are using a new kind of eco-friendly roof. This roof is pretty thin and will save the stores $10,000 a year due to water charges. On the new roof, an irrigation system is installed so that the water is recycled. Another thing that the roof helps with is the heating and cooling, which results in lower bills. In the summer the stores should be cooler, and in the winter Target should be warmer.
Target stores are also using different kinds of trucks with the best gas mileage possible. Target is trying to make the least trips possible to have save gas, which in turn helps our environment.
The four main products that Target is selling that is “green” are: Recycled note cards, toys, glassware, and sheets. While it may seem weird or even nasty that some of these things are recycled, it really helps our environment. I know from experience that the Bamboo sheets are comfortable. One of my friends who is all about “going green” has them, and they are comfortable and honestly I did not know they were made of bamboo.
Target is even thinking about offering an incentive to buying the green products. In the near future, if you buy five “green label” products, then you could possibly get a five dollar gift card. This is a way to advertise going green in the Target stores.
The idea of a green roof sounds good, but it is super expensive. As found on GreenSportsenues.com, “ it will take 20 years for the $5.3-million roof to pay for itself in reduced energy bills.” While Target’s ideas may seem good, at the same time it is not realistic.
I think that Target is going great things for our environment, however like other companies, their goals need to be more realistic.
Below is an image of Target’s reusable bags
image found at http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=Bn0SZetHaSqXdM:&imgrefurl=http://hereforgood.target.com/environment/sustainable-living/&docid=Bi0-yhH_vkyWVM&imgurl=http://hereforgood.target.com/_ui/img/environment/slides/recycling-0.jpg&w=1024&h=397&ei=Zs5eT8eqMKKg2gWewaCFCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=964&vpy=179&dur=2340&hovh=140&hovw=361&tx=213&ty=89&sig=104812004664329353108&page=1&tbnh=76&tbnw=195&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0