Thursday, March 15, 2012


I am embarrassed to say, but growing up a lot I would always want a happy meal from McDonalds. I now know why my mother was so hesitant. I am not a fan of the fast food chain, but occasionally I am forced to eat it due to convenience. When researching on how this company is “going green” I honestly was not surprised that the corporation barked a big bark but didn’t bite.

I went to McDonalds website and searched “going green.” The only thing that came up about them helping the environment was their green building in Chicago and in Latin America. Most of the other companies that I have researched however have a section on the website about their efforts going green.

One thing that McDonalds is not doing is offering a recycling program. You would think that with all of the other companies trying to go green, they would at least try to recycle to make their corporation look better. Below is a video of a young teenage boy who is boycotting McDonalds until they offer recycling. I apologize for the poor quality, but the video pas some really good information on it.

I commend the young boy for taking a stand in what he believes.

In my research the only thing that has stood out to me about McDonalds efforts of going green is their one green location in Chicago. In this location they are using different lights, have electic chargers outside for cars ran not by fuel. To me this is about hypocritical. If one McDonalds store did this, why didn’t the other thousands do it. I think the LEAST McDonalds can do is offer recycling. I would be curious to find how much trash that is from McDonalds is on the side of the road. I really think that McDonalds should focus less on their ONE green store in Chicago and focus more on making an impact in the environment in ALL stores. Another thing that McDonalds is attempting to do to help the environment is not using Styrofoam and trying to use recycled milk jugs for booster seats.

Another thing that McDonalds does is destroy some rain forest to help get soy-beans to feed their chickens.
Thousands of people drive thru or go eat at McDonalds daily. It would benefit the environment greatly if one of the largest fast food chains would help our environment, even in the smallest way as recycling. It would just help our world become more green one store at a time.

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