Friday, February 17, 2012


Even though people may look down on Walmart because they are so over powering, they are trying to help our environment to go green. I am not a fan that Walmart has taken over so many small grocery stores and almost acting as a monopoly, however I still do shop there. Even though, I do not necessarily agree with all of the things that Walmart as a corporation does, it is a one stop shop and so it is very practical for me to shop there for groceries and for dry goods such as shampoo and conditioner. While researching how this corporation was going green, I was pleasantly shocked to find out that this big-time corporation is doing it for the right reasons. Below is a video of how Walmart is going green.

 As reading on MSNBC, I came across this quote by Lee Scott, the Chief Executive, “As one of the largest companies in the world, with an expanding global presence, environmental problems are our problems.” To me this shows that the corporation really does see a need to help change the environment, and they are taking matters into their own hands. This video describes that Walmart is going green by using sky lights, motion censored lights, toilets using less water, and receipts that have print of both side.

I know that the Walmart that I shop at incorporates lots of these things. While I know that Walmart may be wanting money to make the men in charge richer, they have have it together while about going green. Walmart is not perfect by any means, they are still trying to work some things out. According to, by being open 24 hours that burns a lot of energy. Small things like that need to be looked at. However, I give Walmart an A on the task of going green.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Marleigh,

    I completely agree that a company like Wal-Mart is so power hungry that you would not even think they would be concerned about the environment but they are. I knew Wal-Mart was using the reusable bags, but i had no clue about the other things they were doing to help the environment. I was just as shocked as you.

    “According to, by being open 24 hours that burns a lot of energy.” This quote stood out to me because this is not something people probably think about. I do not think about the amount of light i use, but I know i will next semester when i have to pay my electricity bills. Something as simple as light could be one way we could help out our environment.

    “Even though, I do not necessarily agree with all of the things that Wal-mart as a corporation does, it is a one stop shop and so it is very practical for me to shop there for groceries and for dry goods such as shampoo and conditioner.” I completely agree with this quote from your blog because as a college student I want to get everything in one stop. I feel as if Wal-Mart should more things to let people know that they are going green.

    Thank you so much for writing this post. I agree with everything you said, and your resources of information is what keeps me coming back.
