Friday, January 27, 2012


Many people in America have heard of the cell phone company, AT&T. This corporation does advertising in many places to try and get consumers to buy their product.Even though millions of people may use this corporation, what is AT&T doing to help the environment in which we live in. I personally use AT&T and so I was very interested to find out what a corporation that I use daily does for my environment. AT&T is trying to go green by using e-billing and having bins in their store to bring in old electronic devices. However, if I would have not done research, I would have no idea about their services. To be considered a company going green, AT&T should advertise more about how they are trying to help our environment.

AT&T has developed a program called Reuse and Recycle. This corporation was teamed up Environmental Protection Agency and Keep America Beautiful. AT&T Reuse and Recycle is an easy way to help protect the environment. This program was developed because of all of the e-waste that was not going into landfills. On the AT&T website I found this: "According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), of the 2.25 million tons of TVs, cell phones and computer products that can be recycled, only 18 percent was collected for recycling and 82 percent was disposed of, primarily in landfills." It impresses me that AT&T would put this on their website. It shows that in the past they have not been helping the environment, but now they are trying to help.  In this program, the corporation is encouraging people to bring in their old cell phones and batteries into a local store to be used for recycling. Another aspect of Reuse and Recycle is wireless billing. This is something that my family does because it helps save paper, and also it is easier to pay a bill online than to get it in the mail. According to Keep America Beautiful,  ""We are honored to be the first wireless carrier to partner with the EPA and Keep America Beautiful to help protect our environment for the next generation," said Wally Hyer, vice president-AT&T Wireless." In my opinion this show that AT&T is really trying to help our environment go green.
While all of this seems like AT&T is helping out, I do not see it advertised very well. Prior to researching for it, I had no idea about the AT&T Reuse and Recycle Program. I knew that e-billing was offered, but I had no idea about bringing in old cell phones and batteries.I think it is great that AT&T offers this service, but if they really cared about the environment like they say they do, than why have I never heard of this before. I encourage this corporation to really advertise that they take old electronic things, so that they can be helping our environment in an even better way. However, if there is no more advertising then there is now, I am no sure how serious AT&T is about going green. 

Below is a video about some of the things that AT&T is doing to help recycle and better our environment.

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